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Trying to find anyone related to Patrick Delany (Dean of Downs, Trinity College 1700's).  His father Denis, was a servant to an Irish Judge.  Moyanna Parish. 

Sunday 28th Jan 2018, 05:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Chrislcloud:

    Thank you for your query to the message board and welcome to the site!

    You might consider creating an Ancestor profile for Patrick Delany under the XO Chronicles section of the site (located at the top right).

    Our Chronicles are updated weekly and read by all our members.  There may be others who are researching the same family and who will be interested in sharing information with you.

    In the meantime, there is a local volunteer in the Moyanna area who may be able to assist and I will copy him with this post.

    If you have any questions, please let me know at:


    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 30th Jan 2018, 11:13AM
  • Hello Chrislcloud,

    Welcome from me, Paddy Lacey, I am the volunteer referred to above by Jane. I am sorry to say  I have been unable to find out very little about your query. This is due to the fact that there is a great dearth of records for the period involved. What I can say is that the Delany name does not exist in Moyanna today and as far as I can find out  has been gone for a long time (at least 1800's).

    Can you say what religious denomination they belonged to and have you any idea of dates for the birth or death of Patrick or Denis (even approximately) or any other information that might help with this query.

    Let me know one way or another, Meanwhile I will continue to see if there are any other lines of enquiry that I can use.

    Best wishes,

    Paddy Lacey.

    Ballyadams Laois

    Thursday 22nd Feb 2018, 05:19PM

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