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Trying to find Unity/Winifred  Burke/Bourke

Born abt 1818

James Burke...Father

Helen McGonigle....Mother

Born Ireland,  unfortunately can't define area or place


Tuesday 19th Sep 2023, 07:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • Any other info? Who did she marry? Did she stay in Ireland or emigrate? Who were her children? When did she die?



    Tuesday 19th Sep 2023, 09:20PM
  • There are many trees showing Unity and parents.  I'm not sure if all the info is documented. The ones I looked at said she married Thomas Brooks in Scotland. He died in 1849 and a year later she married Peter Stark in Scotland.  


    Tuesday 19th Sep 2023, 09:31PM
  • She came to Scotland and appears to have had 2 children born in Greenock. 

    James and Eliza, it appears that Eliza died young.

    Fathers name Thomas Brooks...possibly in the army in Ireland

    I have census records ,  death records and information from her sons poor relief records but not a definitive place in Ireland that I can connect her with.

    Thank you


    Wednesday 20th Sep 2023, 02:24PM
  • Attached Files

    I found this newspaper article,  any insights about how to find out more if possible would be greatly appreciated 


    Wednesday 20th Sep 2023, 02:46PM

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