Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

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William Lynch was born in 1770 in Ireland. He married Catharine Neil on June 26, 1812, in his hometown. They had five children in 38 years. He died in 1854 in Westmeath, Ireland, having lived a long life of 84 years.    

Marriage:  Dublin

St Catherine´s, Dublin city

1811 - 1821

Children (5)

Patrick LynchB: 1792Margaret LynchB: 1825Joseph LynchB: 1826William LynchB: 1828Bridget LynchB: 1830

Patrick immigrated to Canada in 1825 on the Albion (one of the Peter Robinson Settlers)


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1770
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Catharine Neil
Place & Date of Marriage on June 26, 1812, Dublin, St Catherine´s, Dublin city
Number of Children 5
Place of Death Westmeath, Ireland
Names of Children Patrick Lynch, Margaret Lynch, Joseph Lynch, William Lynch, Bridget Lynch
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