William Fairfield

William Fairfield

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Additional Information
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Spouse ..Margaret Fairfield ( nee Fairfield) Married abt 1846 Knockstricken County Down Pit Labourer Possibly born in Belfast Siblings Catherine Fairfield (spinster) Julia McCartan ( wife of Daniel) nee Fairfield Belfast married St Patricks Roman Catholic Church Belfast
First Child William Fairfield ( died in childhood) Abt 1847 A second William Fairfield born 1862 died 1897 Allergeny Pennsylvania.( details from his will) Other children include Margaret Keenan 1861wife of Patrick Elizabeth Murray wife of Bernard 1853 John ( born 1860 Mount panther my Great grandfather) James 1851 Mary 1850 died infancy? Mary Duffy wife of Thomas 1856 Richard 1854 Drumaroad RC Church

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