William Dowdall

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William Dowdall is my great-great grandfather. 

He married Ellen Martha (Worth) and they had their son James Dowdall baptised on 9 July 1839 in Dunshaughlin.

James married Elizabeth (Smith-Garvey) Dowdle (also - I think - from Dunshaughlin) in Durham, England in July 1866.

His surname became changed from Dowdall to Dowdle after moving from Ireland to England..

I would like to find out more information on William Dowdall and his ancestors - as well as his wife's ancestors - in the Dunshaughlin area.

I believe that William and someone else called James Byrne were involved with landholdings and houses in Bogganstown, Parish of Culmullin.

I plan on travelling to Shankill during June 2022 and am planning on visiting Dunshaughlin at the same time.

I will be grateful for any family history help anyone can help me with.

John Leroy Dowdle

Additional Information
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Ellen Martha (Worth)
Names of Children James Dowdall

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