William Bowler

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William Bowler was Married to Mary Shea on 22-01-1867 at the Dingle Chapel.  His father was John Bowler. and at the time of Wiliam's marriage both William and his father were in the Coast Guard.  William later became a School Master. The story that was told to me was that one day William went fishing and never came home again. They assumed he was lost in the bogs in the area.  I have found birth records of two daughters. Julia was born in 1878 and Sara was born in 1979.   

Michael Bowler (my grandfather) was born September 13th 1887 in Minard, My mother Margaret Mary Bowler said he was the last of the children to come to America.  She also said that his mother went to America but did not like it, so returned.  I have no records.  My mother said they just did not discuss family and ancestors when she was growing up in the depression in the USA. My mother also stated they had 11 children but I cannot find that many . 

I don't know much about Mary Shea. She was 19 when they were married in 1867 so that means she was born around 1947 or 1848.  Her father's name was Peter Shea and was a smith. The witnesses at the wedding were Peter Shea (could have been her father or maybe her brother) and Patrich Ryan.  Their redidence at the time was

Spa Road Dingle

What does Caheratrant mean?  I have looked on-line quite a bit and word does not seem to exist.  


Additional Information
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Mary Shea
Place & Date of Marriage 22-01-1867 at the Dingle Chapel
Father (First Name/s and Surname) John Bowler
Names of Children Julia was born in 1878 and Sara was born in 1979

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