
Additional Information
Date of Birth 27th May 1860
Date of Death 1st Mar 1949
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Timothy Mahony and Hanorah Reen lived Murragh, Co Cork, in a Holland cottage near the National School. Denis b 1853, Mary, Patrick, Michael 1853, Timothy b 1860, Jeremiah b 1863, Catherine b 1870. Mary, Patrick remained in Ireland. Others Australia


  • On January 19, 1861 Simon Long (son of Daniel) married Jane Good (daughter of Richard) in Murragh, County Cork (my guess is Murragh is actually the name of the Parish in Bandon). Simon was 29 years old at the time, and Jane was 18 years old .
    Can you help trace this please

    Tuesday 11th December 2018 09:41PM
  • Hi

    I am looking for information on Catherine Mahony born in Murragh/templemartin about 1843 and married James Long of Garrenmuddagh Bandon area on 10/2/1874

    His father was also James Long and Catherine's father was John Mahony and I think she had a brother called Timothy

    Catherine (Kate) and James had the following children

    James Patrick Long born 1876 and died in 1947 my grandfather

    Denis and John born 1880 and both died after a few days

    Hanora born 1877 married Thomas Buttimer of Dunmanway married 1911 and Hanora died 1958

    Michael born 1882 and died 1942

    Ellen born 1886 and married Daniel Coleman in 1929

    It has taken me a lot time to get this far have any of these people in you family tree

    Regards and thanks Patricia


    Thursday 14th May 2020 05:39PM

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