
Thomas Whelan was the son of James Whelan and Margaret Welsh of Newgrove, Tulla. Thomas was born c1844 and had 3 known siblings.  They were John born c1833; Eliza born c1842 and James born c1846.

Thomas, Eliza and John migrated to Victoria, Australia in the 1850s and settled in Melbourne. John arrived with his wife Eliza McNamara and went on to have 11 children. Eliza did not marry. Thomas my great grandfather married in Melbourne to Margaret Currie and they went on to have 9 children.  I descent from their eldest son James Clarence Whelan.

Another family member also migrated to Victoria Australia and that was their uncle, Patrick Whelan with his wife Jane Goggin.

James and Patrick were the sons of John Whelan and Bridget Craven of Tulla.

Thomas's brother James appears to have remained in Ireland and was a Land Steward for the O'Callaghan family in Ballinahinch, Bodyke.  He married Sarah Callaghan and they went of to have at least 12 children.  Most of these children migrated to New York and it is those I'm trying to find out more about, plus and other Whelan ancestors/family in Ireland.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1844 (circa)
Date of Death 6th Jul 1889


  • I believe my great grandmother Annie was one of the 12 who emigrated to NY. Do you want to compare notes?

    Monday 25th March 2019 08:03PM
  • Hello, Yes happy to compare notes.  I think you may have contacted my cousin, Stuart Hamilton recently and I'm so excited about finding another descendant of John Whelan and Bridget Craven.  My email address is

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Tuesday 26th March 2019 08:08AM

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