
My name is Thomas Donnelly.  I am trying to learn more about my GGGrandfather Thomas Donnelly born 1787, wife Bridget Somerville born 1801.  Records show that Bridget was born and married in Ballymacegan, Lorrha, Tipperary.  Bridget had a brother Anthony Somerville, born 1798.   Anthony immigrated to Canada in the 1820's.  Thomas and Bridget had several children born in Ireland before they immigrated to a small place called Calumet Island, (Grand Calumet) Pontiiac, Quebec, Canada, between 1835-1840.

They had following children who were born in Ireland.

Son Patrick Born 16 Mar 1824,

Son John 1831,

Son William 1831,

Son Charles 1833,

I plan to visit Ireland in the next couple of years and will go to Lorrha try and learn more about my ancestrers.  Would appreciateand any information about them.






Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1787
Date of Death 3rd Sep 1881
New Type Bridget Somerville from Ballymacegan, Lorrha, Co. Tipperary. Immigrated to Canada betwwen 1835-1840. Had a brother Anthony who also was born at Ballymacgan, Lorrha.


  • Hi Thomas
    I would certainly be able to help you with the Sommerville family.
    Please email me on
    David from L&D Historical Society

    Monday 27th August 2018 06:28AM

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