Thadeus Cahane was the priest in charge of the baptism of John Moriarty, in 1680.

John Moriarty, Dingle.

Ref. BSA 0399-001-004, AG 1613.

Ps Mathew Moriarty and Kathleen Granfield.

PGPs Brian Moriarty and Kathleen Trant.

MGPs Thomas Granfield and Kathleen Tyrell.

Documents translated by Brother Raymund MacSweeny, Dominican. Baptism in1680 by Rev. Thadeus Cahane in Dingle. Godparents David Riceand Catherine Barry. Confirmation of the genealogy of the family as true Catholics, in spite of the tyrant Cromwell. Signed by Melchor Moriarty, doctor of theology in the parish of Dingle, Dominic Moriarty, curate of Stradbally, and Ambrose Moriarty, curate of Balincurty. The copy of the baptism certificate is signed by Dionysius Moriarty. Secular witnesses are Richard Trant,Timothy Moriarty, Mathew Moriarty, Peter Rice, all of Dingle. Documents translated from Latin by Brother Raymund MacS.

He married Catherine Gould, and then they went to Bilbao, Pais Vasco, Spain, and lived there.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1640 (circa)

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