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Terrence O’Toole1836

Terrence O’Toole 1836

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My great-grandfather Terrence O'Toole (or Gaelic versions, Tirlough, Turlough, Tyrlough) was the son of my great-great-grandfather, Denis O'Toole.

Prior to immigrating to the US, they resided in Donard, Co. Wicklow.

Terrence immigrated to the US in 1848 or 1849, married, and died in St. Louis ini 1872. 

Great-great-grandfather Denis also immigrated, but died en route from New Orleans to St. Louis in May of 1849. 

They were of long lineage, direct descendents of the O'Toole chieftans who ruled the Glen of Imaile for many centuries.  Our lineage is traced in a chronology entitled The History of the Clan O'Toole and Other Leinster Septs authored  by Rev. Patrick Laurence O'Toole, Terrence's younger brother, a Carmelite priest in Dublin. It was published in 1890 and is in wide circulation. 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1836 (circa)
Date of Death 3rd Jul 1872
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Denis O'Toole


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