Susanna Pyne1809

Susanna Pyne 1809

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Susanna Pyne married John Brierly in Kilrush County Clare 27th January 1827. If she followed the naming pattern, her mother should be Eliza, (her first daughter baptised in Kilrush in 1830). She is my grt-grt Grandmother. Her son John came to New Zealand and married Margaret Galbraith, (born Glascow, Scotland) in 1872.

The marriage records suggest Susanna may have been from Moyarta, but the writing was not very clear.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1809 (circa)


  • Ritac,

    You were following descendants of Seargent Henry Brierly who came to New Zealand. I have been trying to find a link between his family and mine, who also came to New Zealand. Have you done a DNA test?


    Sherryn Cepulis (nee Brierly)


    Friday 16th June 2023 08:44PM

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