Susan's parents were Patrick (Patt) Murtagh and Anne Devine. We think she was born in Cuingareen. So far we have found no siblings for Susan. Susan married James Brady on February 20th 1878 in the Roman Catholic Chapel of Columbkill. Susan died June 1918 in the longford workhouse. We don't think she was an inmate there but was admitted to their hospital. We keep hitting brick walls with our Murtagh and Brady side so any help would be great.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 26th Apr 1856
Date of Death 1st Jun 1918
Associated Building (s) Longford Workhouse  
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) James Brady
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Patrick (Patt) Murtagh
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Anne Devine
Townland born Cuingareen
Place & Date of Marriage on February 20th, 1878 in the Roman Catholic Chapel of Columbkill
Place of Death longford workhouse
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