Patrick CONNOR 1820

Patrick CONNOR 1820

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Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

Patrick was married to Ellen Bagley, I'm unsure of when or where, am finding it difficult to locate any record of their marriage.

They went on to have 7 children - Mary (1858), Anne (1862), John (1864), Bridget (1866), Margaret (1869), Rose (1872) and Patrick (1875).

Patrick died in 1904 at the ripe old age of 84 (cancer under the ear) in the District of Donaghmore in the Union of Newry in the County of Down - his address is recorded on the death record but is difficult to read, it may be Corenchy or Covenchy, granddaughter Anne Connor was present at death.

He was survived by Ellen and all but one of his children, Anne who died in 1884 aged 21 (inflamation) mother Ellen Connor was present at death.

Ellen died in 1916 aged 81 (senile decay) at Shinn in Newry, grandson Patrick Connor was present at death.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1820 (circa)
Date of Death 2nd Dec 1904 VIEW SOURCE

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