
Moses married Catherine Marsden (Masdin) 24 April 1768 • Seagoe, Armagh, N Ireland at Seagoe Parish church. Catherine was the daughter of Robert Marsden of Kinnegoe. Moses and Catherine eventually settled on a portion of her father's land, under lease from Lord Brownlow. The 1 November 1791 lease renewal for the property in Kinnego names sons their sons Thomas and Robert. Moses and Catherine were early Methodists and records show that Moses opened his home to meetings, before the first Methodist church in Lurgan was build. Much of the family remained Methodist for a number of generations, their 2nd born son (my 4th great grandfather - Rev/ William Douglas), was an itinerant Methodist Minister.

Together, Moses and Catherine had 11 children. 

James Douglas: 1769 - abt 1848 (possibly married to Mary Bradshaw and settled in Drumnakelly, Seagoe)

William Douglas (my ancestor): 1771 - 1860 , Born Kinnigoe, nr. Lurgan and died at Irvinestown, Cavan. 

John Douglas: 1773 - 1779

Mary Douglas: 1775 - ?

Henry Douglas: 1777 - 1852 (married Mary McCabe and lived in the town of Lurgan, they had 10 children)

John Douglas: 1779 - ?

Thomas Douglas: 1781 - ?

Margaret Douglas: 1785 - ?  (Married Thomas Cordner / Corner. They 8 children that I know of)

Robert Douglas: 1788 - 1867 (Married Mary Wilkinson and they stayed on the Douglas family land in Kinnegoe. 10 children)

Moses Douglas: 1791 - 1873 (Married Elizabeth (Eliza) - surname unknown. They stayed on the Douglas family land in Kinnegoe. 8 children)

Hillary Douglas: 1793 - 1849 (Married Mary Corner. They stayed on the Douglas family land in Kinnegoe. 11 children)

The shell of the homes that Robert, Moses and Hillary lived in are still on the land that they leased and eventually owned. Hillary, son of Hillary, eventaully left the property and remaining home (that still stands and is lived in) to his grandnephew Hugh Wesley Douglas Anderson. Hugh then sold the land to the current owners. 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1740 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1813
New Type Family of son William Douglas born 1771. Rev. William Douglas married Mary Atkin of County Wexford in 1806. William was an early Methodist Minister, he and Mary had 8 children.


  • Moses Douglass is my 4th Great Grandfather and Catherine Marsden is my 4th Great Grandmother. Their son, William Douglass was my 3rd Great Grandfather and Eleanor Carr was my 3rd Great Grandmother. I was born in Crossgar, County Down and the Douglass ancestors are on my Father, Stanley Harris' side by way of his Mother, Rose Anne O'Brien (Harris).

    Wendy Harris

    Monday 18th January 2021 03:44AM
  • Hi Wendy - I would love to connect and share our history. Would you like to email me? 


    Tuesday 19th January 2021 06:08AM
  • Hi Jenni. Yes that would be fine. Could you send your email address? Mine is (1st letter capital C). Are you in Ireland? I am in California. I don't know alot but will tell you what I know and you can tell me what you know. So I guess we are distant cousins. I'm doing my family tree on Ancestry now. Best Wishes, Wendy

    Wendy Harris

    Wednesday 20th January 2021 02:37AM
  • Hi Wendy - did you get my email? 



    Saturday 23rd January 2021 01:01AM
  • Hi Jenni, sorry I will try to tell you some information tomorrow. My sister had to have some tests today for diverticulitis and I was helping her. Will try tomorrow hopefully. From Wendy

    Wendy Harris

    Saturday 23rd January 2021 01:44AM
  • Hi Jenni. I don't know if I will be of much help but I found out from a 3rd cousin in Antrim that William Douglass was our 3rd Great Grandfather. When I did A cestry, I could look in other family trees. My cousin knows alot but didn't seem to know that William was a Methodist minister. Did you realize that he had a previous wife, Eleanor Carr, who is my ancestor? I see in some of the trees that Eleanor was married to him in 1788 and had 12 children with him. It says she died in 1845 at 81 years old. It says that William married Mary Atkin, your ancestor, in 1806 and they had 8 children. But if the dates are correct, I am confused because others in the family trees have Eleanor and William's children being born until 1811. Did you know about this? If not you are probably shocked. I want to ask my cousin in Ireland what he thinks about the dates, etc. and what became of Eleanor if she was still alive when Mary and William got married. I will let you know what he says.
    Maybe you know on Google there is a 25 page article you can download under Family of Moses and Catherine Marsden. Also Moses Douglass 1740-1813 The Douglass Archives. Under that there are Images and go to right side and find picture of William (it says Moses Douglass but it is William. Then hit visit and there is more information. I first saw that picture in one of Mary's family. It was a pencil sketch of that picture and I could faintly read someone wrote my great,great,great, great grandfather, Wm. Douglass and the name above said Mary Atkin. So that was from your ancestor. Also a family tree of Douglas (Lurgan) and other lines said Mary died Feb. 12th at the residence of her son Samuel Douglas, Esq. at age 95.
    Also under Google under Henry Douglass, Son of Rev. Wm. Douglass and Mary Atkin there is more information but did you write that? I thought it said Jennifer ? wrote it.
    I don't know if I was much help or just confused you. I am confused myself. Please let me know what you think about all this. Looking forward to hearing from you.I will try to contact my cousin in Ireland and see what he says about it.
    Best Wishes, (I guess 1/2 distant cousin) Wendy

    Wendy Harris

    Sunday 24th January 2021 12:18AM
  • Hi Jenni. I don't know if I will be of much help but I found out from a 3rd cousin in Antrim that William Douglass was our 3rd Great Grandfather. When I did A cestry, I could look in other family trees. My cousin knows alot but didn't seem to know that William was a Methodist minister. Did you realize that he had a previous wife, Eleanor Carr, who is my ancestor? I see in some of the trees that Eleanor was married to him in 1788 and had 12 children with him. It says she died in 1845 at 81 years old. It says that William married Mary Atkin, your ancestor, in 1806 and they had 8 children. But if the dates are correct, I am confused because others in the family trees have Eleanor and William's children being born until 1811. Did you know about this? If not you are probably shocked. I want to ask my cousin in Ireland what he thinks about the dates, etc. and what became of Eleanor if she was still alive when Mary and William got married. I will let you know what he says.
    Maybe you know on Google there is a 25 page article you can download under Family of Moses and Catherine Marsden. Also Moses Douglass 1740-1813 The Douglass Archives. Under that there are Images and go to right side and find picture of William (it says Moses Douglass but it is William. Then hit visit and there is more information. I first saw that picture in one of Mary's family. It was a pencil sketch of that picture and I could faintly read someone wrote my great,great,great, great grandfather, Wm. Douglass and the name above said Mary Atkin. So that was from your ancestor. Also a family tree of Douglas (Lurgan) and other lines said Mary died Feb. 12th at the residence of her son Samuel Douglas, Esq. at age 95.
    Also under Google under Henry Douglass, Son of Rev. Wm. Douglass and Mary Atkin there is more information but did you write that? I thought it said Jennifer ? wrote it.
    I don't know if I was much help or just confused you. I am confused myself. Please let me know what you think about all this. Looking forward to hearing from you.I will try to contact my cousin in Ireland and see what he says about it.
    Best Wishes, (I guess 1/2 distant cousin) Wendy

    Wendy Harris

    Sunday 24th January 2021 12:18AM
  • That Google article is actually under "Family of Moses and Catherine Douglass). I am sure you know Catherines maiden name was Marsden.
    Sorry for mistakes.

    Wendy Harris

    Sunday 24th January 2021 12:25AM
  • Hi Wendy

    I hope that you sister is doing better. The research and information that you are referencing to is my own that I have shared with Douglas archives, the article being one that my Mom and I wrote about 3 or so eyars ago. My mom has resaerched our family line since the 1980's picking up from history that was preserved for us by family during the 1960's. This older generation of family preserved family pictures and letters that are still in the family (what you see in that article are from our personal archive). Mom has been to PRONI and few tiems and to the Methodist archives as well and what we have for our linneage has a clear paper trail. He began his ministry with the Methodist church in 1796, when he was 24 years old.

    Here is one of his obituaries: William DOuglas, Lowtherstown, was born 1771. This venerable Minister was converted in early life, and having given satisfactory evidence of his call, was appointed by the Conference to the work of the ministry in 1796. He was a man of deep piety and sterling integrity. He was a good Preacher, a judicious Superintendent, ardently attached to the doctrines and disciplines of our connextion, and greatly beloved by all. When a Supernumerary, he sustained the Ministers of the Circuit, and did much good. He entered the Heavenly rest on July 2nd, 1860, in the 90th year of his age, and the sixty-fifth of his ministry

    William would have been 16 years old if he did indeed marry Eleanor in 1788. There is no reference to older 1/2 siblings in our family records dating back to William and Mary, nor anything in newspaper articles. I would expect that the youngest children of William and Eleanor would still have been in the home with William and Mary. I have church records of William and Mary's children's marriages, baptisms of grandchildren and newspaper articles announcing marriages referencing Rev William Douglas.

    I am sorry, but I don't beleive that our William's are a match. I am not sure how your William has been associated with mine, but I have seen him added to other family lines in error. Shankill Pasrich Church, Lurgan has the baptisms of Moses and Catherine's children. Moses and his children were almost all Methodists. 

    Could you tell me more about your family though? I am always curious to see if there are possible connections with other Douglas lines. 




    Sunday 24th January 2021 04:40AM
  • Dear Jenni. I'm sorry to take so long to answer you. My sister is still having problems with diverticulosis and I have been trying to help her..
    Ineed to go through some of the family trees on Ancestry where I have seen different things. William Douglass born 1771-1860, Moses Douglass and Catherine Marsden are definitely my ancestor s too. I know Ancestry does mix up things and some of the people on the trees also.
    I knew when I read the article on Google that it looked very familiar on this site. It is a great article that you and your Mom put together.
    I still have to email my 3rd cousin in Lisburn and see if he has anymore info.
    I have to look around on family trees. I did see a couple that had in half siblings but will be hard to find which ones there are so many. Do you have a regular email address. If I find something I can email copies to a regular email address.
    Sorry I didn't have more time. My sister is having a terrible time at night with pain and a little better through the day. I'm trying to make food she can eat, etc. I will look as soon as I can.
    For example they have William and Mary were married in 1806 in Puerto Rico. Probably the marriage certificate said P R O Dublin so Ancestry picked it up as Puerto Rico.
    Best Regards, Wendy

    Wendy Harris

    Wednesday 27th January 2021 07:56PM
  • Hi Wendy

    Does your family have a paper trail proving this connection? Our cousins who preserved our history in the 60's were in close personal relationship with my 3rd great grandfather's children (their uncle and Aunt) - Rev. William Douglas was their grandfather and family memory of cousins and their Aunts and Uncles has been very accurate. There is NO mention of aunts or uncles from a previous marriage. When Rev Douglas joined the Methodist church he was an itinerant minister - which means he was barely two years in any location. Once he married Mary Atkin, they continued moving around, we even have a story of their son Henry falling off their wagon!! 

    Here are his movements during the time you say he was married to Eleanor, do any of these locations match brith location for Eleanor's children? 

    DOUGLAS, William 1796-7 Enniskillen 2 1797 Sligo 1 1798 Ballyconnell 1 1799 Coleraine 1 1800 Cavan FC 1 1801 Carlow 1 1802-3 Drogheda 2 1804 Longford 1 1805-6 Wicklow 2 1807-8 Ballyconnell

    Could your cousin connect with me too? My email is

    I searched newspaper archives and found marriage and death information for all Rev Wm Douglas and Mary Atkin's children, all referring to Rev Wm Douglas. I would definitely expect the same of any other children he may have had. 

    Does your family have any Methodist roots? Moses and Catherine were early Methodist's, opening their home to meetings before their was a churcch. Their children, for the most part, were Methodist with a number of their grandchildren also becoming Methodist Ministers. 

    Hope that you sister is feeling better. 




    Monday 1st February 2021 03:15AM
  • Hi Wendy

    Touching base once more and hope that you and your family are well. Were you able to connect with your cousin in Ireland? 

    All the best



    Thursday 30th December 2021 05:46AM

Some communities associated with this ancestor

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