Mortimer O'Sullivan

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Mortimer (Murty / Morty) and Mary O'Keeffe-O'Sullivan last known residence Knocknaseed, Kerry listed 1901Irish Census. Son Patrick died there in1941. Last know O'Sullivan there was Mary (Molly) O'Sullivan.

Many of their daughters emigrated to New Zealand, as did at least three McSweeney brothers.. Two of them married McSweeney brothers in Christchurch. The O'Sullivan's lived in Cottage & the McSweeney's lived in Knocknaseed, the families knew each other and their children played together.. Many of the McSweeney's were blacksmiths in the Cork areas of Knocknagree and Millstreet. One son had a large Blacksmith and Coach building business near Christchurch, NZ

Additional Information
Date of Death 1st Jan 1941

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