Miles Maynes1796

Miles Maynes 1796

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A grandson gives Miles's birth as 1796 and born in Newry. Miles settles in Newry. He is listed in the city directory in 1819 as living on North Street. His occupation is listed as huxter. He married Elizabeth Flanagan about 1820. They have two children: John Alexander Maynes born 28 August 1826 and Madge Maynes born 1828. Son John has left Ireland by 1848 when he married in Hull, England. John later moved his family to London(1862) and 1875 he leaves England for Utah, USA. He headed back to get his family. They were tired of waiting and went to Utah. John is believed to have died in 1883 in New York and did not see his family again. Nothing more is known about the family in Ireland.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1796 (circa)

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