
Family Query on IrelandXO Ireland VIEW SOURCE
Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Michael McCool was born in 1850 in Carndonagh, Inishowen, County Donegal. He was a son of John McCool & Mary Kearney from Tiernaleague, Carndonagh. 

Michael McCool  married to Francis Kearney (b.1860) on the 14th April 1879 in the Sacred Heart Church, in the Village of Carndonagh. Francis Kearney was the daughter of Edward Kearney & Catherine Doherty. Francis was born in Mullins, Carndonagh, Co. Donegal in 1860.

Soon after they  married in 1879 they emigrated to America in 1879 and lived all their life in Washington PA, USA.  

Michael McCool died in 1934 and his wife passed away just 9 years later in 1943.   

Michael and Francis McCool would have been my Grandparents. 


Nola (McCool) McGillycuddy  

Note - I would be interested in finding out if there happened to be any descendants living in the Carndonagh area?  


Family research on Ireland XO into Michael McCool and Francis Kearney –  CLICK HERE 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1850
Date of Death 1st Jan 1934 VIEW SOURCE
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Parents are John McCool and Mary Kearney
Townland born Michael McCool - Tiernaleague, Carndonagh, Donegal (Google Maps) VIEW SOURCE
Townland born Francis Kearney - Mullins, Carndonagh, Donegal (Google Maps) VIEW SOURCE


  • Hello Mrs. Nola (McCool) McGillycuddy,

         I am not sure if this is a viable way to communicating with you, if you will see this here; but I hope that is the case. I believe that we may have some relatives in common. My great, great grandparents were Kearneys from Tiernaleague, Carndonagh, County Donegal. Please feel free to check out my family tree at; I believe that you will see Michael McCool's parents and also information on his two sisters and brother and their descentants. Also, information about other Kearney relatives. And yes, there are still descentants living in Carn; one of whom, my secord cousing once removed whom I met last summer, still owns a piece of land at Tiernaleague. I would love to compare notes with you on your branch of the family and add descendants to my tree. Check out the Edward O'Malley Buckley Family Tree at Ancestry. com.      Happy searching, Edward O'Malley Buckley..

    Edward O'Malley Buckley

    Sunday 23rd August 2020 09:17AM
  • My grandfather,Michael McCool  b.1858 D.1934 was son of Mary Kearney( B.1820-30 ?) & John McCool.   Mary's parents were Mary Mooney & Briney Kearney.John's parents were Rose McCrawin & Owen McCool.My grandfather had 7 siblings .He was #4. They were:1_John 2-Bernard 3-Rose 4- my grandfather- Michael 5-Patrick6-Mary 7-Elizabeth 8-Margaret.                  

    It is difficult to follow all this because my grandmother was a Kearney from Mullins.When I try to check Ancestry they want $$.I do have some of my info on Family Search.

    Mary McCool's siblings--Michael(Altoona),Betty O'Donnell & Nancy McLaughlin(there were probably more but these were names my grandmother  (from Mullins)had with her papers.

    John McCools siblings--Neil, Edward, Patrick, Bernard(priest in Seneca Falls NY),Daniel(Fordham),Mrs Tollen---(not sure if this is all of his siblings)

    I guess I could try Ancestry "free" for a week or whatever they allow.Have to make sure I can do everything in time allowed.

    Now, relative that still lives in Tiernaleague, is descendant of ??.Are you in contact with that person or would they not be interested in corresponding?As I said , this site is confusing & I would prefer just e-mailing a few people but I'm really glad to know there are definitely some relatives still in town.

    Thanks so much.   Nola

    nola (mccool)mcgillycuddy

    Tuesday 25th August 2020 09:02PM
  • Dear Nola,

         Thank you for your response to my inquiry, I have been wondering about the marriage between one Michael McCool and Frances Anne Kearney. I had added Michael as a son of John McCool and Mary Kearney of Tiernaleague. But I do question that. Could Mary Anne Kearney of Mullins have married a Michael McCoole who was not related to any Kearneys of Tiernaleague? There are so many Michael McCools that I have come across that I cannot comletely verify that this Michael is the son of John and Mary Kearney McCool..

        I am the great, great grandson of Neal Kearney (1810-1882) at Tiernaleague. Mary Kearney would have been a first cousin of his; so, finding information about someone who was not a direct ancestor has been difficult. By using, Ancestry,com and the land records for the Kearney homestead, I was able to reconstruct what I think is the family structure around 1857, which led me to Mary Kearney's mother, also named Mary and married to an unknown Kearney cousin who worked one of the plots of land at Tiernaleague. I am really interested in how you could name Mary's father and mother.--Briney and Mary Mooney? Do you have family lore or your grandmother's papers that established their names? If you do, it could confirm Michael McCool's connection to them. 

         I want to encourage you to try for that "free" week, Please check out my family tree there, Edward O"Malley Buckley Family Tree, and see if what I have set up works with your grandmother's papers. I notice that you know about Mary E. McCool married to James Patrick Dever; I have them on my family tree with their descendants. I am sure that she is truly a daughter of Mary and John, as two of her descendants have a DNA connection to me. If such a connection could be established between you or members of your family with me, it would reinforce the notion that Michael is indeed a son of John and Mary Kearney.  Other siblings of Michael were Patrick (1857-1911) and Margaret (1860-?) and Mary E. (1856-1929). I could not find any of the names you stated as fellow siblings at or

         I looked into the parents of Frances Anne Kearney McCool and found what I believe are her parents. Also five siblings-John (1851-?), Elizabeth(1857-?, who married a Owen Doherty, Catherine (1862-1897?), William Michael (1865-?), possibly called Michael?, and Mary (1872-?).I could not find any reference to a Nancy Kearney. 

         I believe that the John McCool that you referenced with a list of his siblings may not be the John McCool married to Mary Kearney. Michael is perhaps the son of a different John, and that Michael married Frances Anne. I think a mix-up with this gentleman brings into question that your grandfather is a son of John and Mary Kearney of Tiernaleague. I say this based on the land records for the Kearney lands at Tiernaleague. Mary Kearney's mother was the householder of land at Tiernaleague; She died 11 Nov 1875. The plots of land were transferred to Mary McCoole in 1877. I assume she held the land until her death around 1880( unconfirmed). In any case the land was transferred to John McCool in1883. I assume this John was her husband. I believe John died sometime before 1890, although I have not been able to verify that., beause the land was transferred to their son Patrick in 1890. I believe he more than likely died around that time. I do not think he left Ireland and went to the states to die in 1912, as I have seen in some family trees. I think, therefore, your grandfather Michael may not be John and Mary's son, although at the present time, I have him listed as such. There could be the possibility that John turned over the farm to Partick and came to the states to earn money for the folks back home?? A long shot, but possible. In any case the land went from Patrick to his son Patrick and then to that Patrick's brother, Robert in 1978. So, I assume some McCools are still aroind.

         Please check out my tree and let me know what you think. I am especially interested in what your grandmother's papers have to say about all of this. I apologize for the long letter, but I wanted you to get a full view.    Take care and happy hunting, Ed Buckley.


    Edward O'Malley Buckley

    Friday 28th August 2020 02:45AM

      Edward the Mary E McCool and John Patrick Dever are my 2x great grandparents. I would love to compare notes. I’m on Ancestry. I also have Buckley’s in my tree as well.
                   Shelly Olson 

    My acct is under my husband Kenneth Olson. My tree is called the Karmann Olson family tree 


    Wednesday 30th September 2020 06:42PM
  • Ed Mccool & mary(murphy) married—probably in Washington Pa.I think they may have separated or divorced but had 2children — mary Agnes & Ed.Ed & his father both died young —heart?I met Mary Agnes when she was elderly .She was my 1st cousin but was old enough to be my mother.She married Frank Spriggs & had a son(I think he was Frank Jr)He had 2 children & his daughter came with Mary Agnes to visit us .Her name was Heather Spriggs & she would be about 50-55 yrs now..
    Does any of this sound familiar??
    Nola Mcgillycuddy

    nola (mccool)mcgillycuddy

    Friday 2nd October 2020 12:44AM
  • Hello Shelly Olson and Nola McCool McGillycuddy,

         Shelly, if you are a descendant of Mary E. Kearney and James Patrick Dever, then we are definitely distant cousins. Please let me know how you are desendant from them? Nola, I still have doubts concerning if the :Michael McCool who married Frqnces Anne Kearney is a brother of Mary E. Kearney and a son of John McCool and Mary Kearney of Tiernaleqgue. (See comment above.) Let me know what you found in your grandmother's papers. Shelly, i will be looking up your and your husband's family tree when I get home fom visiting a friend in Grass Valley, California next Monday. Nola, I do have an Edward Joseph McCool (29 Jul 1889-?), as a son of Michael and Frances Kearney McCool born in Pennsylvania. Is this the Ed McCool who married Mary Murphy named above?    My phone number is 415-661-5253. Feel free to call me next week and we can compare information. Take care and happy hunting, Ed Buckley

    Edward O'Malley Buckley

    Friday 2nd October 2020 02:37AM

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