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Migrated to/Born in Australia

Michael Maher / Mahar born about 1802 / 1804 at Emly / Emely, Co Tipperary .Labourer. Parents ; John Mahar , farmer ,and Julia Ann Hinchey . Micheal enlisted the Fifty Eightth Regiment 30 / 07 / 1824 , aged 20 years . # 344. Corporal / Sergeant . Unlisted at Parramatta , Sydney 10 /06 / 1847 . Twenty two years and 336 days service . Michael married Sarah Phelan / Phealan , ( born 1809 Queen's Co )  spinster , 21 / 07 / 1825 at Cathedral Church of Waterford . Co Waterford . Both are of C o I . The parents of Julia Phelan being Patrick Phelan and Anne Mahon .. Micheal died 13 / 03 / 1880 at Wagga Wagga , Aust., of English Cholera . His wife Sarah died 03 / 06 / 1898 at Paddington , Aust.. Micheal was in an Army Barracks early 1840s at a marriage of a " kitty Fox " . Micheal and Sarah had five children .  The first born was  Julia Mary Maher .

Julia Mary Maher / Mahar bptz 12 / 02 / 1827 ( Parish / District , Naas , Co Kildare ? ) . About 1844 , Julia and the rest of her family were in Port MacQuarrie  , Aust . My direct gt gt grandfather John ( Richardson ) Mitchell , married Julia at the St Johns Cathedral , Parramatta , Sydney , April 1847 . John also of the 58th Regiment . I think John met Julia at Kitty Fox's marriage . I am John Mitchell , widower , Auckland , New Zealand .

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1802 (circa)
Date of Death 13th Mar 1880
Townland born Emely, Co Tipperary .Labourer
Father (First Name/s and Surname) John Mahar
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Julia Ann Hinchey
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Sarah Phelan / Phealan
Place of Death Wagga Wagga , Aust., of English Cholera
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