Michael  Gorman 18441844

Michael Gorman 1844

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Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

Michael lived at Magheragart, Dromore, Tyrone, Ireland per 1901 and 1910 census. His wife was Elizabeth Isabella McMenamin(Gorman)

Their son John James Gorman was my Grandfather, who came to Boston Ma USA via Ellis Island on May 8th, 1911.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1844
Date of Death 2nd Feb 1914


  • It is so nice to hear from you. My grandmother, Annie Gorman came though Ellis Island with her sister, Lizzy, and brother Henry, in May 10, 1911. They also lived on Mahagaret Lane! 


    Thursday 20th August 2020 04:38PM
  • Are you still there? 


    Thursday 20th August 2020 04:39PM
  • It was my dream to visit Dromore this summer for my 70th birthday. Due to the pandemic, we must wait. I'd love to know more about the farm they lived on. Anime settled in Boston too.


    Thursday 20th August 2020 04:42PM
  • It was my dream to visit Dromore this summer for my 70th birthday. Due to the pandemic, we must wait. I'd love to know more about the farm they lived on. Anime settled in Boston too.


    Thursday 20th August 2020 04:43PM
  • Hi Patricia,


    We have been in contact with eachother before. Sorry you had to cancel your trip. 


    Eileen Gorman DeLong

    Eileen DeLong

    Thursday 20th August 2020 05:10PM
  • Eileen, this is so cool. Michael and Annie were probably first cousins, living on the lane in Dromore. Here we are communicating, living thousands of miles away and a few generations later. I'm glad we are in touch. 


    Friday 21st August 2020 02:24PM
  • Hi Patricia,

    It is cool. Yes I believe they were first cousins. Finding information from this area is pretty difficult. Recently I was able to get Michael's marraige certificate to Isabella McMenamin. There is still a McMenanim poultry farm being still there. I have tried to contact them but have had no luck. 

    I would love to hear your Grandmothers story.

    I just realized my Grandfather came over with them on the same ship! I can believe i didn't see it before! I have both documents attached to my tree but they are on different pages of the manisfest. 


    Eileen DeLong

    Friday 21st August 2020 02:47PM
  • I descend from the same McMenamins as Isabella. They lived in Polfore next to Magheragart. Some of the family has gone to Glasgow. My grandmother, Isabella's niece came over to Lowell Massachusetts in 1910. Isabella's father Hugh died on 13 May 1895 in Magheragart at the ripe old age of 87. Michael Gorman, present at death reported it. I have a lot of info on the Gormans and McMenamins on my ancestry tree. (called M'Menamin) There are living descendants in Glasgow from Michael and Isabella. She died in Glasgow 3 Jan 1939. There are also living descendants in Massachusetts.


    Michael ODonnell

    Sunday 3rd July 2022 03:12PM
  • Eileen, we are 3rd cousins!


    Michael ODonnell

    Sunday 3rd July 2022 05:05PM

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