Mary Anne? Cunningham1820

Mary Anne? Cunningham 1820

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

My GG Grandmother was Mary Cunningham. Family history says:

Catholic born in County Kerry, possibly from 1816 to 1831 (based on Year of Birth on US Census records)

Husband was John Sullivan. No Marriage records were found YET, in Ireland or USA. His Year of Birth was 1810 or 1825 (based on Year of Birth on US Census records)

Emigrated to USA likely after the Famine, definitely before 1856, but exact is unknown. Ship name and date unknown.

Family history says her first child was born aboard a ship enroute to New Orleans, Louisiana, USA about 1854.

Was in New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, in mid-1850s, and in Fillmore, Minnesota, the USA in 1857.


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1820 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1873 (circa)
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) John Sullivan of Kerry, Ireland
Place & Date of Marriage Before1856. UNKOWN if married in Ireland or in USA. No records found.
Place of Death Died before 1875, in Fillmore, Minnesota, USA
Number of Children Four known children, all born in USA: Bridget Elizabeth; Catherine, Daniel, and John
Townland born in County Kerry
New Type Family History say She Emigrated from Ireland into USA at port of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. After 1856, traveled up the Mississippi River, ending in Fillmore County, Minnesota in 1857
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