Margaret M Bodkin1867

Margaret M Bodkin 1867

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Migrated to/Born in USA
Additional Information
Date of Birth 15th Sep 1867
Date of Death 27th Feb 1943
Place & Date of Marriage Married in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA in Jan 3,1891
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Thomas Bodkin
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Margaret Qualter
Place & Date of Baptism Baptized Sept 187 Diocese: Tuam, Parish Tuam, Baptisms Oct 3, 1858 - July 13, 873 - from Irish Catholic Parish Registers, 1655 -1915 pg. 186
Townland born Basket Town Churchfriar
Names of Siblings Michael Bodkin, Bridget Bodkin, Patrick J Bodkin, William Bodkin, Catherine Bodkin,
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Michael Quinn
Number of Children 7 childeren - 5 girls, 2 boys
Place of Death Dies in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
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