
Laurence Doran1854

Laurence Doran 1854

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Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Sep 1854
Date of Death 2nd Jan 1928


  • His father was Thomas Doran and his mother was Mary Maher. They married in 1841 and Mary was a local farmers daughter and he was Laurence Maher of Corbally townland.  Laurence was the only surviving son of the family and took over the farm.


    Thursday 30th May 2019 03:51PM
  • This man was my great grandfather. His daughter Mary married my grandad in 1917 in Drangan. My father-John O Meara-was their firstborn of 7 children, 2 girls and 5 boys.

    Sunday 20th October 2019 03:56PM
  • I think we are second cousins.  Is it possible to private message on this site?  My grandfather, Thomas, was Mary Doran's big brother and he named his first child Mary and who was also known as Mollie.  She is my mother.



    Sunday 20th October 2019 06:24PM

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