Laughlin Flinn

Laughlin Flinn 1679

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Laughlin Flinn I Birth: ABT 1679 Ireland

Laughlin and Margaret moved to Kent Co MD perhaps about 1718. He bought the Ruerdon/Riordan Plantation in Kent Co - mentioned in his Will. He has been given a father - a Thomas - and possible brothers - Patrick & Columb - by early researchers. However, the paper trail seems to end here with the earliest Laughlin. Other ancestors have no apparent proof.

I have no authority for his birth year. He could have been some older or younger.
Other than the Flynn/Flinn publications cited, Far Flung Flynns and Flinns of Auld Ireland, there can also be found an interesting series of posts from the FLYNN-L Mailing List on Rootsweb, March 1999.
Look for Part 1-9 "Patrick & Laughlin Flinn". The posts were placed on the List by a Diana Flynn: "Bob Cawly and John Flinn have kindly agreed to share their research with
us. Below is part one of their wonderful document." John Flinn is also the author of Far Flung Flynns which at one time could be found online but is no longer available.
Bob Cawly also graciously shared his research document with me. He has spent a great deal of time and effort in attempting to find the origins of the Flinn/Flynn families in Ireland. Bob concluded it is likely that Laughlin Sr and wife Margaret arrrived in 1718 with a son Laughlin Jr. and perhaps also Patrick Flinn who died in Caswell Co, NC in 1781, and a Daniel Flinn who died, 1759, in Kent Co MD. [I suspect the Patrick in Caswell could have been in the next generation.]
It is likely the earliest Flinns in Colonial Maryland and Virginia were Scots-Irish, possibly coming first into Philadelphia, but not much else can be determined.
The Archives of Maryland Online has a few court records relating to the Flynns. The spelling is almost always "Flinn". My own line has used the Flynn spelling for generations. Othen than Laughlin, there was also a William Flinn, and Daniel Flinn, and Daniel Flinn, Junr, all referred to as planters, living at this time in Kent Co, Maryland.
The earliest of these is from Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729.
Acts of May 1719, was the earliest found
Vol. 38, p.253-4 Christopher Bateman of Kent Co petitioned that a certain Laughlin Flinn had obtained Judgment against him. Bateman was aged, had a wife and small children with nothing to support them, yet he was being held in gaol with no hope of being able to pay. All he has in the world will not amount to "near the sum". On condition Bateman surrendered all his estate for the use of said Laughlin Flinn he was discharged and Flinn debarred from any further Execution.
Nov Court 1725
Vol. 548, p123 Robert Green and Daniel Flinn, of Kent Co, planters, provided security for Bowles Green to appear in Court at the next session in the town of Chester, 3rd Tuesday, of the next March.
Nov Court 1726
Vol. 548, p.215 Laughlin Flinn was one of a jury of twelve men to hear the case of Katharine Kelley. She was judged not Guilty. 15 Nov 1726.
Vol. 548, p.248-9 Laughlin Flinn and Gideon Pearce, both of Kent County, Gentlemen, provided security for Edward Harris to appear at the next Court, 3rd Tuesday, March next to answer an information found against him for extortion of fees.
Mar Court 1726/7
Vol. 548, p.271 Case of His Lordship against James Watson. James Watson late of St. Pauls Parish, labourer, on the 10 of March 1726 did upon a certain Danl. Flinn with force and arms did make assault and beat, wound and "evilly" treat so that his life was much dispared.
James Watson said he was in no sort guilty. He who followed for the Lord proprietor said he was guilty.
Watson relinquished his plea. 25 Mar 1727, it was ordered that Watson pay 100 #'s tobacco as a fine for committing an assaulty and battery, and 435 #'s for costs. The sheriff of Kent Co to keep in custody until the sums are satisfied.
Jun Court 1728
Vol. 567, p.3 Benjamin Pearce of Cecil Co and Laughlin Flinn of Kent County, Innholder, were security for the appearance of Philln. [Phillander?] Church to appear in court at the next session. June, 1728, Church did appear and Pearce & Laughlin Flinn discharged.
Mar Court 1729
Vol. 567, p.123-4 case of His Lordship agst. Margret Flinn, wife of Laugh. Flinn
William Murphy ordered to give security for his appearance in the next counrt, 3rd Tuesday June next.
Joshua George of Cecil Co, Gent. also gave security for William Murphy.
Laughlin Flinn gave 20#'s sterling security for his wife's appearance to answer an indictment found against her for stealing seven yards muslin and two paid of women's glove, goods of a certain William Murphy.
Flinn also gave security for Mary Tobee to appear 3 rd Tuesday in Next and give her evidence agains Margret Flinn
August Court 1730
Vol. 567, p.148 His Lorship agst. Margret Flinn wife of Laughlin Flinn
Kent Co. The Lord proprietors present that Margret Flinn, late of St. Pauls Parish in Kent Co and wife of Laughlin Flinn, Innholder, on the 10th of Feb 1729, took seven yards of Muslin the value of 50#'s of tobacco each yard, and two pairs of womens gloves, of the value of 20#'s tobo each pair of a certain William Murphey, which she did feloniously steal and bear away. Margret Flinn said she was in no sort guilty. A jury of twelve was called and judged she was not guilty. She was ordered to pay costs of 1128#'s tobacco. Laughlin Flinn came in Court and said he would pay all fees, and she was acquitted.
Mar Court 1731
Vol. 567, p.271 13 Mar 1731, William Flinn of Kent County, planter proved security to make his appearance at the next court, 3rd Tuesday, Instant, and give evidence against Peter Green Junr.
21 Mar 1731, William Flinn appeared in court and the security discharged.
John Lee and William Flinn were sworn as evidences against Peter Green, late of St Pauls Parish, labourer, who on 10 Feb 1731, did upon John Lee with force and assault the said John and did beat, wound, and evilly treat so that his life was dispaired.
the back of the Bill endorsed: Test: John Lee Wm. Flinn
Mar Court 1731/2
Vol. 567, p.288 His Ldship agst Laugh. Flinn & Margaret his wife
Information for dealing with Mr. James Holydays, servt. Court continues the same until next Court, 3rd Tuesday in June. Daniel Flinn Junr, at last August Court entered his surety for his own appearance as evidence against Laughlin & wife at the Novr. Court next ensuing. Daniel did not appear and the same was continued to March next. The 3rd Tuesday in March was the 21st day, 1731. Daniel Flinn, Junr appeared and his security is discharged. Daniel Flinn Junr is to enter anew into recognizance for appearance at the next June Court.
Daniel Flinn Junr. and Bowles Green, both of Kent Co, planters, gave their security for the June Court appearance.
Jun Court 1732 His Lordship agst Laughlin Flinn & Margaret his Wife
at court in Kent Co, 16 Nov 1731, the court was informed that Laughlin Flinn of Chester Town, Innholder, and Margaret his wife., on the 26th of Aprill 1731, did barter, deal with and receive of and from Arthur Atkinson, the proper Servant of James Holyday, Esqr, 100 pounds of bacon of value of 2£10sh, Eleven pounds of hogs lard, value 5Sh, 6p, two Iron potts and hooks value of 16sh, one Trunk, value of 8sh, one fire Shovel, value of 2sh, one pare of fire tongs, like value, and one pair of blanketts, value 10sh. Tench Francis, attorney of the Lord proprietor did not have evidence sufficient to press the charge and will not prosecute. They were acquitted, but to pay costs of 871#'s of tobacco.
Daniel Flinn, Junr and Bowles Green asked to be discharged from their security.
Daniel Flinn Junr, said that he had attended in the cause of his Lordship against Laughlin Flinn and Margaret his wife, as evidence for 14 days. It was ordered he be paid 420#'s of tobacco by the Flinns.
From the post on the FLYNN-L Archives of the Flynn mail list, RootsWeb, posted 20 Mar 1999, by Diana Flynn: "Bob Cawly and John Flinn have kindly agreed to share their research with us."
Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 6
Flynn, Laughlin, innholder, Kent Co
Filed 10 Apr 1729, proved 3 Mar 1731
Entire Estate left for benefit of wife Margaret with power to sell the plantation "Ruerdon", Langford's Bay, for the benefit of the estate.
To John Griffith, who has served his time, 700#'s tobacco.
Wit: John Evans, John Hollinsworth, Abraham Milton
Inventory was taken 8 Mar 1731, filed 26 Jan 1732. Executors were Walter Dougherty and his wife, formerly Margaret Flinn. A list of debts was filed 1734/5 by Dougherty.
Although Laughlin did not name children in his will, the selling of his plantation for the benefit of the estate, suggests a distribution to heirs. If Margaret did not sell it in her lifetime, it would descend to her children. The land and other records in Kent Co give us some clues to his children.
Laughlin Flinn, Innkeeper, purchased 200 acres "part of a tract called Sewel adjoining Garrentts Cree" 22 Jun 1726 from Isaac and Temperance Caulk of Cecil County. Walter Dougherty, one of the executors of Laughlin's estate purchased this land from Laughlin Flinn [Junior] by 1736.
A Laughlon Fling is on the tax books in Kent Co, for the properties called Sewell alias Ulrick, and Rioerden, for 1733-1735. The senior Laughlin had died in 1731. One of the two younger Daniels of Kent Co, on 30 Oct 1750, testified he was age 43, and was deposing regarding the bounds of a tract called Utrick alias Sewell. Daniel was a schoolmaster. It would seem this younger Laughlin and Daniel had ties to this property.
Another part of the plantation called Ruerden was in the hands of Thomas Husbands. The tax rolls show he had Husbands Lott, and Ruerden, from 1733 to 1752. Thomas Husbands was married to Eleanor Flinn, daughter of the elder Daniel Flinn who died in Kent Co in 1738.
In 1733, other ownership in part of the Ruerdon Plantation goes to Joseph Sutton, Benjamin Sutton, Dennis Clarke, and John Clarke, Mary Clark received owership in Sewell in 1736. Perhaps Laughlin Sr and Margaret had daughters that had married into the Sutton and Clark families.
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1679
Date of Death 1st Jan 1731

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