John Tutty1822

John Tutty 1822

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John was born in Dublin, around 1822.
He was in England, by 1845, when he married the first time, in Streatham.
His father was named as also a John Tutty, a glass blower.
I have found a John Tutty, for that age, in Manchester, and a printer, which is what John was, in 1845, the details are from 1841 census.
I cant find another confirmed, for him, before 1845, or for his father. I dont know his Mothers name.
There is a John Tutty, married in July 1819, in Haddington Road area. Cant confirm he is my John's father and mother but Haddington Road was fairly near a glass factory, in Ringsend.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1822 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1910

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