
John McMorrow1830

John McMorrow 1830

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Wife-Mary E. Kinney born 6-22-1830 Ireland
Father- Hugh McMorrow about 1805 Ireland
Mother- Mary Laughlin born 1807 Ireland
Grandfather -James McMorrow born Ireland
Grandmother- Bridget O'Connor born Ireland
Great-grandfather -Michael McMorrow

Additional Information
Date of Birth 2nd Feb 1830


  • We might be related. My Ggrandfather was Patrick McMorrow. He died 12 July 1909 at 72.  This means he was born in 1837. That is all I have.



    Friday 15th February 2019 11:45PM
  • Where did he live? Ireland or US? There are a lot of McMorrow's in County Leitrim.


    Saturday 16th February 2019 03:44AM

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