James Vincent Toner 18911891

James Vincent Toner 1891

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James Vincent Toner (1891 - 1957) born Ballymcnab, Armagh, son of Arthur Toner.

Practised as a Solicitor in Armagh for many years and was the founding partner of the present day firm of Lennon Toner O'Neill located in English Street, Armagh. He resided in Russell Street.

Looking for family connections and family information.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Nov 1891
Date of Death 1st May 1957
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Arthur Toner
Occupation Solicitor


  • My 2nd great grandfather, Patrick Murphy, married Eleanore Toner in Ballymacnab.  They had 8 children born in Ballymacnab and Ballynanill? then mpved to Scotland abt 1864 to work in the shale mines.

    I believe Eleanore's father was Patrick Toner and her mother was Ann Short. I know little else about any siblings Eleanore had.


    Amy Murphy

    Saturday 18th September 2021 04:53PM
  • Hello Amy - very interesting stuff. Could you please contact me privately to explore further connections? Thanks.


    Sunday 19th September 2021 06:06AM
  • I'm sorry...new to this site...not sure how I contact you privately?  My email address is wullen@cfl.rr.com

    Amy Murphy

    Sunday 19th September 2021 12:17PM

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