
James Hoban 17551755

James Hoban 1755

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James Hoban was born in Callan, Co. Kilkenny in 1755. His early career was in carpentry, but it was in the field of architecture that he was to find fame and fortune and cement his name in the history books. He studied at the Dublin Society's Drawing School and was apprenticed to Thomas Ivory, a Cork man who was the architect responsible for a large portion of Georgian Dublin. 

Hoban relocated to Phildelphia in 1785 where he established himself as an architect. Already gaining noteriety for his work, and even catching the eye of George Washington, Hoban won the competition to design the Amerivan presidential residence in 1792. Although initially designed as a three-storey building, Hoban took on the suggestions of Washington and altered his designs to the two-storey, 11-bay building which stands today.

Hoban settled in Washington D.C. and remained there for the rest of his days. He died on the 8th of December 1831. 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1755 (circa)
Date of Death 8th Dec 1831


  • This is wonderful, thanks for posting! I actually have a few of the US version of this stamp, and I've been reluctant to use them, with no idea why. I didn't know he was from Kilkenny, hadn't even considered that he was Irish really, and didn't know about the joint issue. If anyone has the Irish version of the stamp and would like to swap, please let me know!


    Friday 24th April 2020 02:37PM

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