
James Henderson1781

James Henderson 1781

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James Henderson was born in Newry, Couty Down, in 1781.  His wife, Dorothy Ann Kenny was born in Fermoy, County Cork, about 1808.  they were married in Liverpool England in 1832.  I travelled to Fermoy to search local records but found nothing on Dorothy.  I plan to head to Newry Otober 2018.  That is all the info i have.  Can anyone help me find more information on them?  Thank you.  Holly

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1781


  • Hi Holly, I believe James is my great, great, great grandfather on my maternal grandmother's side. I have been unable to find much on James in Newry. Were you able to find anything on your visit? Thanks, Barry





    Sunday 9th December 2018 12:32PM

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