Elizabeth  Ann McComb1832

Elizabeth Ann McComb 1832

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Migrated to/Born in UK

According to her Scotland death record, she was born in County Antrim and died in Glasgow, Scotland where she and her husband Edward McIntyre had immigrated to around 1852.

Edward McIntyre - born about 1832 and died 16 May 1886 in Glasgow, Scotland. Family lore tells that he was a groomsman on a farm in Armagh. His father was Matthew Mcintyre, born about 1816 and died in Glasgow in 1869. His grandfather was James McInty

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1832 (circa)
Date of Death 8th Aug 1917
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Samuel McComb died in Ireland around 1859
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Elizabeth Sweenie died in Ireland around 1859
First Child Sarah McIntyre born about 1852 prior to the family leaving for Glasgow, Scotland
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Edward McIntyre
Townland born Antrim
Place of Death Glasgow
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