Eliza Petticrew Long1835

Eliza Petticrew Long 1835

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Migrated to/Born in USA

Eliza Petticrew Long - widow of Andrew Long (1840-1876) -- and her children circa 1885.  Eliza (1835-1926) and Andrew were married 20 March 1860 in Lisburn.  Eliza was from Drennan and Andrew, from Ballymacbrennan.   After their marriage, they lived for a time in Magheraknock, where my grandmother, Susanna, was born 10 Nov 1871.  (She is seated far left in front row of photo.)  The family followed Andrew's father, Matthew Long (1804-1879), to Connecticut in the U.S. in 1873 where they both worked as weavers. My family is hoping to find a record that will identify Matthew's first wife, the mother of his children and, therefore, my gg grandmother.  She probably died abt 1844.  His second wife, Sarah Thompson, accompanied him to the U.S. The family had connections to the Drumbeg and Magheradrool parishes but records from the latter have been missing for some time.  

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jun 1835
Date of Death 22nd Dec 1926

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