Denis Sheehan1795

Denis Sheehan 1795

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Date of Birth 1st Jan 1795
Date of Death 1st Jan 1870
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Spouse - Ellen Shea Born 1798 Gortagullane, Killarney Died 1865 Had 7 children
Townland born Denis Sheehan Born 1795 Co.Cork Died 1870 Tooreencahill, Co.Kerry
Names of Children Son Denis (Deonyrie) Sheehan Born 1821 Coom Died 1875 Tooreencahill, Co.Kerry Married 1855 in Rathmore RC Church to Margaret Fitzgerald 1833-1920. Had 11 children His son Jeremiah b 1862 Tooreencahill, d 1945 Melbourne Australia. Emmigrated 1884

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