
Marriage record for Catherine Sheehy & John Dillon USA VIEW SOURCE
Catherine (Mary Kate)  Sheehy1866

Catherine (Mary Kate) Sheehy 1866

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Date of Birth 1st Dec 1866 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 2nd Mar 1950 VIEW SOURCE
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Father: Martin Sheehy 1831–1907 ; Mother: Elizabeth 'Anne' Mulvihill 1837–1911 Baptism: 9 Dec 1866 • Listowel, Kerry, Ireland Occupation: Ireland - had teaching certificate VIEW SOURCE
Names of Siblings ALL LAST NAMES SHEEHY Ned 1856–1920; Patrick1859– ; Margaret1861–1976; John (1) 1863–1868; James1864– ; John (2) 1869–1893; Martin1870– ; Thomas1872–1873;Thomas 1873–1910; Michael (1) 1875–1876; Michael 1877–
Names of Children ALL LAST NAMES DILLON Edward Paul 1890–1981; Martin Vincent 1892–1975; John Jack Vincent 1893–1965; PATRICK FRANCIS XAVIER 1896–1977; Michael J 1897–1974; Mary 'Sister Helen Edward' 1900–2002; Helen C. 1905–1914; Catherine 1909–1997

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