Bridget McInerney

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  • Hi Don:


    Do you have any date details for  Bridget or parents' names?  I can try to narrow down the area for you if you do.

    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 22nd May 2020 12:25PM
  • Hullo Jane, just saw your message, 23:10 here in Melbourne.

    I've been researching Bridget McInerney for quite some time however understand it's quite a common surname in Co Clare and she's been a very successful brick wall in my searching, and I appreciate your offer very much but don't want to burden you with too much, on the other hand appreciate very much your offer.

    I have tracked her down here in AU successfully but alas, nothing back in Clare, she was a convicted felon however which I couldn't enter into the detail on the IrelandXo site. 

    Here's the details I have to hand:

    Bridget McInerney

    Tried inCo Clare on June 16 1849, convicted for stealing a cow and a candlestick, sentenced to 7 years

    Departed Dublin on the "Earl Grey" on December 12 1849, arrived in Hobart, Tasmania May 9 1850. she was listed as a country servant, literate [could read & write], catholic and 23 years old on arrival = circ birth of 1828. She also listed that she had a brother Michael.

    Thanks for you offer Jane, if you are able to help that'd be terrific if not that's quite OK.

    Best Wishes

    Don Johnston

    BTW, I do have similar research probs with my male line who came out of Derrykeighan, near Dervock.

    Don in AU

    Friday 22nd May 2020 01:27PM

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