Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Her parents, as listed on her death certificate, were James McMorrow and Bessie McDonough. She may have had a brother named Owen. Census records said she could not read or write, but spoke English. There is a reference to Manorhamilton as a townland where she may have lived. I don't think it refers to the city Manorhamilton.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Sep 1854 (circa)
Date of Death 15th Oct 1900


  • I have a Dennis McMorrow listed in church record as witness to my great grandparents' wedding (Mary Cullen and Garret Keany, Upper Brockagh).


    Thursday 13th June 2024 01:40PM
  • Thanks for the information about a McMorrow. I assume Upper Brokagh is a townland. Do you know what was the name of the church?

    I have found a great resource for locating townlands, It was created by someone with OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, a map of the world being created entirely by volunteers.  They traced all the townlands, all 61,000 of them, onto OpenStreetMap. Then they created a search function, so you can search for them by name, by parish and by county. I now know that many McMorrows were from County Fermanagh. Try it.

    Charlotte Wolter

    Sunday 16th June 2024 02:09AM

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