Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

Anne McEwan was born around 1806 in Antrim, Ireland.

She married Sailor John Bradley or Broadley in the 1830’s, place unknown.

Children from this marriage Margaret, John, Anne & Charles.

Somewhere between 1837 and June 1841 the family moved to Campbeltown, Argyllshire, possibly because John snr sailed from port regularly.

In the 1841 Census Anne Brodley and the children are living in Saddel St, Campbeltown, Argyllshire.

Anne, Margaret & John are stated as being born in Ireland.  Anne Jnr aged 1 & Charles 6 weeks are stated as being born in the County.

Sometime between 1841 & 1847 Anne married Widower Archibald McAlister a Tinsmith, Born Down Ireland. In the1851 Census Anne has the occupation of Delf Dealer Born Antrim.  Neither Margaret or John was residing with them but Anne & Charles were.  They also have a son Archibald born around 1847.

Daughter Anne married Thomas Leigh Cave and died in Dysart, Tasmania in 1910.  In later years she used the first name of Ferdinand but it is unknow why.

Son Charles never married and died at his Grand Niece’s home in Richmond Victoria on 23rd Apr 1919 and he’s buried at Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery. His occupation was Sailor.

Son Archibald McAlister remained in Campbeltown, married Helen Meek and died on 17th Dec 1893.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1806 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1852 (circa)
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) John Broadley 1st Archibald McAlister 2nd
Occupation Delf Dealer
Names of Children Margaret John Anne Charles Archibald

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